The exam question: (Keep in mind this was a really rushed piece of work)
Imagine you are standing near an impressive sight (either natural or man-made). Using up to 200 words, describe what you observe and how it makes you feel.
The rainforest leaked around me. Marvelous strings of green hung from the sky and wound their way down harsh brown tubes. The soil which I stood on sank with moisture and made warming, squelching sounds. The shades of green darted about my eyes and set a wonderful and busy picture in front of me. The way the colours of plants and trees danced together had my mouth gaping with awe. I stood, motionless, as everything rushed about me. Not a space wasn't covered with colour. I looked above expecting to see a vibrant sky, but leaves spread out and expanded to block my view. I looked forward at the thick layers of plantation unevenly sprouting. The flowers too delicately placed in such an unforgiving background. The birds sang out of tune but seemed to work together on a soundtrack to set the mood. The insects swarmed busily about in a world of their own. Animals hang from vegetation. They shifted under it, were resting on top of it. Animals clung to whatever was theirs. It was a madhouse. There wasn't a moment silence, everywhere I turned had been brightened with noise and colour. It was like nothing I'd ever seen.
-Eggy Mayers, wanna be writer.
Nice work sweetheart. I love your writing ;)
Lol thanks. :)
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