So I haven't blogged for a while and so I thought I should.
Mainly because I've become addicted to the wonderful... truly... beautiful (yes I meant it) computer game called, 'Scions of Fate.'

Hell yes, I'm a bowgirl? (It's cool and you know it).
Also my user...thing(?) is Tati123
ADD ME! (You know, if you want to...)
So it's Sunday today. =) I like Sundays. I just roamed around all day. Read three books today. =P
I really meant I'd start reading again when I said it. So I read Twilight (finally) and New Moon. And I finished rereading The Game. Twilight was a good book I liked the description and I like the way she writes but I just hate the plot. Mainly because vampires scare me... (Big whoop, wanna' fight about it?!)
I love Grey's Anatomy, it's just so beautiful. Izzy just got married and I am in tears, yeah I'm an ugly crier. Get over it. And yeah, I cry and laugh at the same time. I'm a multi-tasker, what can I say?
Soppy haters, stop here.
Moving on... I believe it's Father's Day and...
Well here:
[21:38:13] Jommy *red+u says:
Well, you should write daddio a letter.
[21:38:16] Jommy *red+u says:
[21:38:24] Tati ☆ I love you, Tar - B [PIP] ❤ says:
a letter? :S
[21:38:52] Jommy *red+u says:
Well, sure.
[21:38:58] Jommy *red+u says:
Everyone loves letters.
I think I owe someone a letter:
Dear Daddy,
Well, it's been a while, hasn't it? I don't really know what to write to you but I'm just going to let the ideas flow.
I hope somehow and someway I make you proud.
I want to tell you that... I really miss you. I love you and I'm still your little girl. I don't live with Mum, but you probably know about that. I don't really know what you know.
I guess I want to tell you I'm happy. I may not seem it all the time, but I am. There are a few people you should know about.
Johnny, he's like a big brother to me. When I say big I mean a whole 6'7 big. I love him to pieces, he's always here for me and always puts a smile on my face when I'm sad. He's the one who told me to write to you. He's super smart, like freaky smart. And always knows right from wrong. Don't worry, he's still (somewhat) cool.
Zacy, he's another big brother. He's gay. :) That's always worth mentioning. He's great, he's so smart. He's great fun. He's really weird, just like me. And I miss him a bunch because he's just moved to Switzerland, which sucks.
There are so many people who are in my life now that I love. I just wish you could have met them. Jacy, Tar, Brandon, Jeffrey, Nikki, Jane, Robert, Molly, Beth, Cammy (sort of) and Sara, and that's only a few of them.
And here's the part just for you Dad.
Dad, I love you and that will never ever change. You've been the best man in my life and I'll always be thinking about you. There is so much I want to say to you. I just don't know how to.
I hope you have a great day... I don't know how, but I hope it happens. Dad, you deserve it.
I love you so much.
Well, that concludes my blog. I'm sorry I've been so lame and soppy. I'll leave this note with some tears in my eyes and a big pasted smile on my face.
Hope everyone had a good day.
-Eggy Mayers, wanna be writer.
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