Here's a small/big/not sure yet catch up.
So I haven't been able to be online much because well, it hurts to walk to the stupid computer.
It's been pretty boring though, just watching movies and whatnot. In fact I'm sort of watching
Batman right now, for like the 50th time. Or the second time... same thing.
I also want to touch on some subjects that have come to mind. I guess I want to open up and admit. Feels strange.
I fear...
1. Being taken from someone I love.
2. Losing someone I love.
3. Being cheated on.
4. Spiders.
5. Vampires.
6. Disappointment.
7. Doing something wrong.
8. Having no control.
9. Being kidnapped.
10. Not eating enough.
I love...
1. The feeling of being accomplished.
2. The feeling of making someone proud.
3. Being loved.
4. My family.
5. Being online.
6. Long baths.
7. Aero chocolate.
8. Exercising.
9. Going out and just chatting with friends.
10. Being prepared and knowing what's going to happen.
I'd like to know...
1. How long I'll live for.
2. The cure for cancer.
3. What Bella and my dad think of me.
4. If I make them proud.
5. How long until I can have a baby.
6. How to play the piano.
7. What it's like to be married.
8. When my heart will be broken.
9. How tall I'll grow.
10. How to help lost and upset children.
I never want to...
1. Disappoint.
2. Sell myself.
3. Lose my family.
4. Lose myself.
5. Become an alcoholic.
6. Become a drug addict.
7. Hurt my children.
8. Fail in school.
9. Lose hope.
10. Feel alone.
I want to know...
3. Jane.
4. Molly.
5. Beth.
6. Jacy.
7. Zara.
8. Tar.
10. Jackie.
... forever.
I wake up knowing...
1. I'm alive.
2. Someone in the world will die today.
3. New babies will enter the world.
4. Someone will be hurt.
5. You can pay $1000 to kill a child in some places.
6. The world is corrupt.
7. I'll never know everything.
8. I'll do my best to know as much as I can.
9. I'll learn something new.
10. I'll always love.
I want to...
1. Establish a charity.
2. Write a novel.
3. Have a child.
4. Save a life.
5. Die being a respected person.
6. Live a long time.
7. Be liked.
8. Be loved.
9. Be interesting.
10. Always have something to say.
Alright I'm done.
R.I.P. Michael Jackson. You're being thought about.
R.I.P. Those who died while I was writing this post.
R.I.P. Everyone who deserves it.
-Eggy Mayers, wanna be writer.