You may have noticed on the right on my blog is my lovely frog.
As slow and retarded as he is, he is my pride and joy and I love him so very much.
But other than 'rere frog' he doesn't have a name. =(
Let's tell you a bit about him though!
He was born less than a month ago.
He eats flies that even you can feed him by clicking around the place.
He's slow.
And dopey.
He's loved.
I swear to God, I see that frog everyday and he makes me smile every time.
I'm going to miss him so much these next three weeks!
I hope he takes care of himself.
I love him so terribly much that I even got a tattoo at the zoo after him. *Blush*

I love you little internet, robotic, retarded, cute blog frog.
-Eggy Mayers, wanna be writer.
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