Sometimes I feel retarded...
Then I know that's okay because I have retarded friends. =)
Here's a perfect example.
(From an email)
Our DEAD child. Insensitive to bring it up! You're selfish! You don't THINK about my feelings. The child was INSIDE me... ='(
*Outburst of tears* You! *stutter* Y-y-y-you selfish COW *said with spit*.
*Takes out retainer to spit some more.* Take that! *Hhhhu puuuu!* and this! *Hhhhhhhu puuu!*
*Does retarded innocent smile that says, 'I don't know any better because I'm retarded.'*
XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX (Too lazy to even copy and paste but imagine more XO's) <---- THAT is how much my fingers love you.
I just want to say how much I love my friends.
Even though right now I'm falling to pieces;
Look like I've been hit by a truck;
And have a very rough, rigid, broken, shattered heart, you're all sticking by me.
Thank you for everything.
My family, and my friends.
Tar you can go to hell. =)
On another note... a prettier, more high-pitched one...
I saved a kitty yesterday!
I'll take my most amazing persons award now. (I'm serious -_-)
I was walking on the beach and this guy comes out with a baby kitten in a plastic bag and is about to drown it!
I started yelling at him but he threw the bag into the ocean anyway...
But I swam and got the baby kitten.
Me and him spent 4 hours on the beach until 12am at night. He was just lying on my belly sleeping and I was talking to him.
Like a crazy person who paints a face on a rock... but I did it more efficiently as I had an animal!
Anyway, here's a picture of Baby Jonathan, the kitten who's taken over and mended part of my heart.
He doesn't really like being photographed...
It's nice having a friend who doesn't judge you, know what's happened. But understands nevertheless.
One who comes and purrs on your belly when you cry and whatnot.
I wish I could keep him.
Back to Tar...
My ex I suppose. Who cheated on me with the same girl he kissed 'by accident' that one time a while ago. But this time he went ALL THE WAY.
I wish him the best when he burns in hell.
I can't decide which hurt me most.
1. Being the last person to find out you cheated on me.
2. The fact you actually cheated on me.
3. That I fell for you. And actually may have loved you.
Like B would say, "C'est la vie, une folle pute."
"That's life, a crazy bitch."
I guess I haven't really decided if I'm full of loss or hatred.
Can I stay in between?
I already spent a couple of days crying over you. That was until I realised how unworthy you are of my tears.
I think I'm done for today. Sorry for not blogging in a while.
It's time for a shower.
-Eggy Mayers, wanna be writer.
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