Sunday 28 June 2009


Ahola, my happy west coast friends. And others.

Today is Sunday! Who doesn't love Sunday? -Shup if you don't-
I'm so terribly bored, until I started writing this that is, not that it's anything of interest. But haha to you for reading it!
That was mean. =( I'm sorry.

Anywho whatsits, Friday, in art we were told to make something out of random things to represent us... I used foil to make a small shape resembling a laptop and a hand out of a latex glove filled with cloth typing on it... (I shall take a picture of it next week in art class! Be excited to see what I can make in 20 minutes!)
Then I looked at it, and realised I need help.
Eh, as long as there is internet I'll be happy. I don't need offline friends.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm quite distraught about the whole Michael Jackson thing.
I really thought he was an amazingly talented person and I'm really sad that we've lost him in the world today.
My favorite of his songs is Beat It.
I'm gonna' miss the guy. Not that I knew him or anything.. but he really was something great.

Oh, some more random drama. Friday night, someone was shot on my highstreet. In a restaurant I love going to! So scary...
There was a whole chase and it was something related to drugs or something. But that's all I know. 

Anywho, I'll end here. I haven't got much to say today. =S
Oh dear. =P

-Eggy Mayers, wanna be writer.

Wednesday 24 June 2009

I Confess My Love

Oh delicious bar of goodness filled with tiny air bubbles.

How I love when you rest on my tongue and melt into my mouth.
It's like you're a gift from the high heavens above. 
The way you effortlessly spread a smile across my face.
You bring warmth to the coldest days with your theobromine and phenethylamine.
Raise my serotonin levels and take away my troubles with your sweet and sugared cure.
I love you, sweet, loving, tasty Aero.
Forever my friend, my comfort, my compassion.

-Eggy Mayers, wanna be writer.

Sunday 21 June 2009

Sunday Post. It's Soppy, I Warn You.

So I haven't blogged for a while and so I thought I should.

Mainly because I've become addicted to the wonderful... truly... beautiful (yes I meant it) computer game called, 'Scions of Fate.'

Hell yes, I'm a bowgirl? (It's cool and you know it).
Also my user...thing(?) is Tati123
ADD ME! (You know, if you want to...)

So it's Sunday today. =) I like Sundays. I just roamed around all day. Read three books today. =P
I really meant I'd start reading again when I said it. So I read Twilight (finally) and New Moon. And I finished rereading The Game. Twilight was a good book I liked the description and I like the way she writes but I just hate the plot. Mainly because vampires scare me... (Big whoop, wanna' fight about it?!)

I love Grey's Anatomy, it's just so beautiful. Izzy just got married and I am in tears, yeah I'm an ugly crier. Get over it. And yeah, I cry and laugh at the same time. I'm a multi-tasker, what can I say?

Soppy haters, stop here.
Moving on... I believe it's Father's Day and...
Well here:
[21:38:13] Jommy *red+u says: 
Well, you should write daddio a letter.
[21:38:16] Jommy *red+u says: 
[21:38:24] Tati ☆ I love you, Tar - B [PIP] ❤ says: 
a letter? :S
[21:38:52] Jommy *red+u says: 
Well, sure.
[21:38:58] Jommy *red+u says: 
Everyone loves letters.

I think I owe someone a letter:
Dear Daddy,
Well, it's been a while, hasn't it? I don't really know what to write to you but I'm just going to let the ideas flow. 
I hope somehow and someway I make you proud. 
I want to tell you that... I really miss you. I love you and I'm still your little girl. I don't live with Mum, but you probably know about that. I don't really know what you know. 
I guess I want to tell you I'm happy. I may not seem it all the time, but I am. There are a few people you should know about.

Johnny, he's like a big brother to me. When I say big I mean a whole 6'7 big. I love him to pieces, he's always here for me and always puts a smile on my face when I'm sad. He's the one who told me to write to you. He's super smart, like freaky smart. And always knows right from wrong. Don't worry, he's still (somewhat) cool.
Zacy, he's another big brother. He's gay. :) That's always worth mentioning. He's great, he's so smart. He's great fun. He's really weird, just like me. And I miss him a bunch because he's just moved to Switzerland, which sucks.
There are so many people who are in my life now that I love. I just wish you could have met them. Jacy, Tar, Brandon, Jeffrey, Nikki, Jane, Robert, Molly, Beth, Cammy (sort of) and Sara, and that's only a few of them.

And here's the part just for you Dad.
Dad, I love you and that will never ever change. You've been the best man in my life and I'll always be thinking about you. There is so much I want to say to you. I just don't know how to.
I hope you have a great day... I don't know how, but I hope it happens. Dad, you deserve it. 
I love you so much.

Well, that concludes my blog. I'm sorry I've been so lame and soppy. I'll leave this note with some tears in my eyes and a big pasted smile on my face. 
Hope everyone had a good day.

-Eggy Mayers, wanna be writer.

Wednesday 17 June 2009

Sorry's Stuck in my Throat

Written things are thought to be hard to take back. But even things being said can match up to that.

Sometimes a simple sentence can even make the speaker feel shameful and guilty.
There are things that are not meant to be said. Things that stick around the forever-beating heart and make the eyes blotchy with tears. One sentence said can break an iron brick as if dropping a wine glass off the fourth floor of a house onto a concrete surface.
It's so difficult to take back what's been done. It's time like these that 'sorry' becomes a chore to say. When the guilt is so bad that the letters lie on your tongue only to crawl down your dry and crackling throat to strangle you. Squeezing you so hard you well up and water at the eyes. Or are those tears?
Guilt can grow inside you and spread like a virus, while those last words spoken still linger stationary in the head of the receiver. The most powerful and hurtful words are the ones that have never been said before, but the ones that when said are said with sour-lemon lips and spitting venom. 
The ones you want to take back as soon as they've been breathed out but you can't grasp however hard you might try.
But the thing that cripples you most is when those words are fired and aimed back to you, from the least suspecting person. From the person you never wanted to hear it from. From the person that will make you never forgive yourself. From the person that will keep you up all night, yearning for that person to take back the words you cruelly spat out first.
Things said are hard to take back. Moments without thought, but pure foolishness are hard to forget. Saying sorry, truly is the hardest word. Being forgiven, is something you have to beg for. Being trusted, is something you have to work for. Being respected, is something you have to earn.

-Eggy Mayers, wanna be writer.

Monday 15 June 2009

Hectic Chaffufal of a Day

So I'm super bored. And I miss writing... like writing crap about stuff, and whatnot.

So I was thinking I might just make this blog super random.
So just deal with it!

So I started writing this about an hour ago and since then I've screwed up twice.
Firstly, I wrote an essay on a topic completely irrelevant to the topic we were meant to write about.
Secondly, I made a friend mad at me for some stupid reason and now I'm blocked. Then worse than that, I blocked her... and I don't know how to unblock her.
Oh never mind that, it finally worked. So I unblocked her, but I'm still blocked. Oh well. I'll live.

Today was such a stressful day. But it did start wonderfully. 
Let me skip to Friday evening before I go on about today. 
Friday evening I get a call from my boyfriends mum... Worst day I've had for a while to be honest, "You're a slut and I want you to stay away from my son." Well ouch... So I spent the whole Saturday and Sunday curled up in bed mopping around thinking we've broken up.

Whoever drew that is a genius.

So Monday...
Got up, got to miss school. Went to the forest to see my sister. =) I really miss her... 
But it's just something so magical to go to a forest to be with her. It just makes me smile so much when I go there. It feels right.
After that, Jane decides she's sick of me sulking around the house and drives me to go talk to Tar... Great.
Turns out, not only did he not know about the phone call his mum made, he also didn't know that we had broken up.
Jane (My mum) didn't know about the phone call Tar's mum had made. (I hate this kind of drama...) Finally found out about the phone call and started yelling her head off at Tar's mum.

I can't stand that. I hate people fighting with me as the subject. I just can't bare it. Makes me feel so depressed and empty.

Anyway, after all that Tar took me home while Jane and his mum were still fighting.
I get home find out I have mail (which is weird because I never get mail... except those weirdo leaflet things I've signed up for just to look like I'm cool enough to get mail.) I open it to find out I have a bank account... weird right?
Well it's not my money in there as much as I would like it to be. But Jane said she'd take care of it.

What a hectic day...
I officially hate drama.

And I am off to bed for certain. Goodnight internet hookers. I'll see you soon. 

-Eggy Mayers, wanna be writer.

Wednesday 10 June 2009

Problem, would love some help.

Okay so I have a blog problem. You see this weird line just above this sentence. That looks like this : |

Would LOVE to know how to stop it being posted on EVERY post I make. 
I don't care if I end up giving you my blogger password. I just want that thing GONE!

-Eggy Mayers, wanna be writer.


So I wanna' talk about some books that I really like.

I may have read these a while ago... possibly because I recently discovered my hate for reading things that aren't online.
But anyway, these books are really worth a read and amazingly written.
-Side note-
I was thinking of starting a button just to practice the HTML that Lilu kindly emailed to me.
I'm aware it wont be very successful but oh well. =P

My button! So, here's the deal. If you're going to write about a book copy and paste this code. 
 And go ahead and let's get some kind of discussion going about with them.

These aren't in order of my favorite... (Although they are in order of which I remembered first. =X)

One. The Little Prisoner - by Jane Elliott
It's just not possible to not weep your eyes out in this book.
Such a sad but true story. Very disturbing and very heartbreaking. But what an amazing book to have written. Well done Jane Elliott! I truly admire your bravery. 

One. Skinny Dip - by Carl Hiaasen

This was just the wittiest and most amazing fiction book ever written. Carl Hiaasen who lives in Florida always sets his books in Florida. This one was about a women whose husband pushes her off a cruise ship to try and kill her. And it's all about her plotting her revenge while unravelling secrets he kept from her.

I'm only going to mention one more book. Which is more for the teens out there. (Like my ageish
 maybe a bit younger... in other words 13-16ish.)

Three. Junk - by Melvin Burgess
This book is about two teenagers who leave home, find a group of people to live with in an abandoned house. And it takes you through their journey of drugs and how it broke away real emotions. (Also, the boy in this story is nicknamed Tar. =3 That's the nickname of my significant other!)

-Eggy Mayers, wanna be writer.

Sunday 7 June 2009


No, not walking in the rain... running in the rain for dear life.

Seemed like a good day when I woke up to draw back the curtains to a beaming sun. Went to school with a dorky smile on my face. Had my 4 hour long drama rehearsal that actually turned out to be a bundle of fun. Nothing says 'wake up early on Sunday' like making pig noises on a stage. (Yes, we're doing the play Animal Farm.) 
After we get dismissed I walk down the road and start waiting for a bus. (Yes this is the legit bus stop I waited at!) Anyway, 30 long crawling minutes finally came to an end when a bus starts nearing me. I stick out my arm to indicate I wanted him to pick me up. The driver takes one look at me and drives right by. =(
I wait another 10 minutes for a bus before I give up and start running in the rain all the way home.
I hate being cold and wet... It just doesn't make my day, that's for sure.

The most embarrassing part about today had to be when I lost a bet against my dear friend Hayley. Only we don't bet money, we bet embarrassment. Three times a day, for three days I have to sing this song. And don't think learning the lyrics was easy. It was a hell rippling experience.

Of course there were things that made this day great too. =)
Tar came over.
I love you, Tar. =) 
Moving on... well no actually. Going to bed time. =P Super tired. Goodnight bloggers. =) 

-Eggy Mayers, wanna be writer.

Something New

*When you walked through the door it was clear to me. You're the one they adore, who they came to see. You're a rockstar. Everybody wants you. Player, who can really blame you. We're the one who made you.*

Anywho... So I was getting bored of my own blog a bit and as you can see. Or I hope you can see, I've changed it 'round a little completely.
I'm also going to change what I write about. So far it's been a bunch of poems and stories. Well now I'm going to take a shot about writing about things that happen to me. =P
Yeah, yeah. Boring.
I don't care if it's boring. Stop following me if you dont like it. But please don't.

Moving on...
A few things that happened. Let's start with that.
Well first a hugeeeeeeeeeeeeee mazel-tov (That's right, I'm Jewish) to my friend Dave! (He's in love. =X) So cute. =)

Also, went out this night/last night/really don't know what to call it.
It was so randomly crazy. We left a house party, Max, Sandy and I and Max drove us to the highstreet where we went for hot chocolate.
<-- Not the one I had, but similar. =) After that we went to the bar and bought two bottles of vodka which we decided we weren't going to drink. We ended up walking right over to this amazing pancakes stall. No joke, they make the best most mouth watering crepes in the world. Mm, nothing beats watching them melt chocolate into your pancake... I'm not one for chocolate, (except aero! I love aero...) but this is out of this world.
Alright, where was I? Oh yeah. So we got to this pancake (mmmm) place. And were all out of money. So we traded the vodka to the people who were working there for pancakes.
They then depressingly realised they can't drink on the job... Shame. =(
One thing lead to another and we ended up making pancakes for complete strangers!
Just so unexpected and so much fun.
And now I'm here waiting for Tar, (My lovely and loving significant other) to show up so we can watch a movie together while cuddling up. =)
A perfect end to a crazy day.

-Eggy Mayers, wanna be writer.

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